Heart Of Texas DX Society
Field Day 2000
A full view of the KC5LDO and KC5BFL Field Day event at Warren Park.
On June 24-25, 2000, just the right time to spend hot Texas days outdoors.
It had to be Hams up north that voted to do the event this time of the year.
To the left, John, KH6JIQ, doing a visual check of the current Sun Spot
number. To the right, James, KC5LDO, our Field Day Leader, showing
that rank does have it's privileges. He always gets to operate in the shade.
In this picture you can see John, KH6JIQ is just starting to get some of
the shade. In the background is Julia, KC5BFL and Larry, KC5BFM.
Next is James, KC5LDO of course is still in the shade and to the right
is a visitor, James' brother Vince, and he is having to stand in the sun.
To the left, Julia, KC5BFL, happy because she just broke her all time
best number of Field Day contacts. To the right, Larry, KC5BFM, busy
calculating the best Gray Line. No, not for radio wave propagation, but
for the best Tree Shade and when he will have to move this table again.
This is just a picture of the ground plane antenna used during Field Day.
However, this same 10 meter antenna has always performed well and has
been used to work over 2/3 of the DXCC countries using only 50 watts.