Heart Of Texas DX Society
Where are we? What do we do? Who are we?
Heart Of Texas: This is defined as the surrounding area, with its central location being McLennan County and the City of Waco, Texas. DX: A term used all over the world of amateur radio to describe a radio contact with another amateur radio station outside its own country. Society: A section of a community that is distinguished by particular qualities; in this case, an organized group of people who share an interest in DXing and contesting while at the same time supporting other interests of its members. The club's name was chosen to precisely locate us as being totally separate from any other point on the Texas map. It is our desire to focus on individuals living in or near the Waco area so as to make it easier for them to participate in club activities and to get to know each member on a more personal level. HOTDXS, moreover, promotes amateur radio through group activities. These include, at times, when band conditions permit, a SSB net on the second Tuesday of the month at 8:00 p.m. local time on 28.437 MHz, the occasional creation of Special Event Station operations to commemorate the anniversaries of local historical events, and the sponsoring of local awards and certificates to encourage participation in some of the more popular HF contests. Besides on-the-air activities, HOTDXS holds meetings to discuss DXing and related topics and to establish a forum for subjects of common interest or concern. Club meetings are held at 9:00 a.m. on the second Saturday of every month at a local restaurant. For the latest location and information, check out the HOTDXS HOME PAGE The first goal is to have the Heart Of Texas DX Society - W5DXS, earn the DXCC Award and the WAS Award, as well helping our club members achieve these awards. HOTDXS welcomes all licensed amateur radio operators and other interested individuals to join. There isn't an annual membership fee just long as you show an interest by taking an active role in promoting the club activities. A membership form can be made available upon request.
2000 and Beyond - W5DXS DXing OdysseyAll these entities are yours to enjoy. Contact as many as you can. Do so in Peace. |
Summary of DXCC Logs |
W5DXS QSL GALLERYQSLs from new DX that are not confirmed on LoTW. |
STRAIGHT KEY GALLERYKeys owned and used by members of HOTDXS. |
First DX Contact made by W5DXSThe W5DXS DXing Odyssey Begins. |
From the HOTDXS Kitchen - How To Cook It Yourself |
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