Heart Of Texas DX Society, Inc.


HOTDXS, W5DXS Texas SES Trilogy


Texas Rangers
200th Anniversary
8/10/2023 - QRT - 8/25/2023

Waco Village
175th Anniversary
6/08/2024 - QRT - 6/22/2024


Waco Suspension Bridge
155th Anniversary
1/01/2025 - QRT - 1/12/2025

HOTDXS wants to thank all of those that contacted our Texas SES Trilogy operation.
The huge turnout to these three SES exceeded our expectations in every way.

Both the 8.5 x 11-inch certificate and a 3.5 x 5.5-inch QSL card are available; "No SASE" is required.

To receive a certificate and SES QSL card, simply send your QSL card with two (2) first-class stamps. 

If you prefer to receive the SES QSL card only, just send your QSL card with one (1) first-class stamp.

The SES mailing address is as follows:

Larry Merritt
3200 Colcord Ave.
Waco, TX 76707-1814

Link to the Texas SES Trilogy Stories Information Page.


[ Local Breakfast Meeting ]

[ Next Time, Date, and Location ]

  The HOTDXS members will receive a notice with the time, date, and location.   
If you are not a member, contact w5dxs@hotmail.com if you want to attend.

New updates that become available will be remotely posted here.

Information about the Heart Of Texas DX Society, Inc.


Table of Contents

QSL Gallery
HOTDXS Workbench
W.A.S. Log Notes
QSLing Hints
Texas SES Trilogy
Solar Activity
Propagation Primer
DX Cluster-Call Book
Weather Reports
W5 Bureau Search
HOTDXS - Hot Links

Year 2000 and Beyond: A W5DXS DXing Odyssey


Summary of all DXCC Logs

We appreciate you visiting our website, and we also value having a record of your visit.
We welcome your feedback on the appearance of the website or to suggest any changes.
For any correspondence, please refer to our e-mail address or sign into the Guestbook.



Web page designed/updated by Larry-KC5BFM and edited by Julia-KC5BFL
Copyright  © 2000-2030 Heart Of Texas DX Society, Inc. All rights reserved.

These Web Pages were created by using 100% Recycled Electrons.

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